Have a voice in shaping climate policy and investing federal funding spending in ways that serve overburdened and underserved communities.

Over the next two years, Maryland will be deciding how the state should reduce its emissions down to net-zero by 2045. This will encompass every part of our life, the modes of travel we use to get to work, the buildings that we live and worship in, how our homes are powered, and what types of jobs and opportunities are available to communities across Maryland. We will also be seeing millions of dollars flow through our state through the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Law and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

CAAL Energy Summit
Thursday, March 30, 2023
The Westin BWI Airport,
11110 Old Elkridge Landing Road
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090
10:00AM – 4:00 PM ET


What Will You Learn?
We can change the way that policy is shaped and ensure that we have a voice in shaping climate policy and investing federal funding spending in ways that serve overburdened and underserved communities first and foremost. We will provide information and grant opportunities that will allow us to reinvest and improve our communities. Grant opportunities will be provided in the following areas:


Clean and equitable
Growing Maryland’s green
energy economy
Community block grants
Environmental justice- lead,
mold, mildew and water
Affordability and protection
of low-income rate payers and
tenants as we transition to
Retrofitting and building
healthy and safe homes